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I gave him a small smile, liking the way his eyes lit up when he laughed. He seemed to be easygoing and lighthearted.
"I'm not sure of our plans." I began. But Janel cut me off with an, "Of course we will be there; we can't wait to have dinner with you."
"Good." Alex said, turning to look at me again and stared at my mouth with an intensity that made my knees feel like buckling.
"I'll send a car to pick you up at ten." When he walked away I turned to Janel and said, "Why did you do that?"
"He looks like the perfect guy for you to have hot monkey sex with," she quipped. I looked over my shoulder to watch the gorgeous man walk away when he suddenly stopped and turned back to look at me with a shocked expression on his face. There is no way he could have heard us, but I felt my face flush anyway. I tried to tell her she was crazy but she stopped me dead in my tracks with, "And by the look on your face when you ran into him, he has an unusual scent I'd say."
"Oh my God. How could I forget about that?" I couldn't believe I let a man in a pair of tight jeans with a killer butt make me forget I had a responsibility to help him in whatever way I could.
As we checked into the hotel, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching us. When we stepped into the elevator, a chill went down my spine and I turned, and saw the dark haired man Alex had been arguing with staring at us with blazing eyes. He was handsome, but in a different way than Alexander is.
The dark haired man, though dressed in an expensive suit, reminded me of a predator. I have no idea why the thought came to my mind but it seemed right.
As the elevator doors closed, he ever so slightly nodded his head at me. For some reason I think he wanted me to be aware he had noticed me.
"How do I look? Alex didn't give us much time to get ready." Janel asked for the third time as Scent of a Vampire – Jude Stephens
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we rode down the elevator at nine fifty five.
"You look beautiful, as always." And she did. In a little black dress cut low in both the front and back. Janel's body could pull that look off. I looked down at my pretty but plain dress. It was steel blue without ornament or low neckline. The only thing it had going for it was that it was clingy in all the right places.
"Well, I think we are both stunning, but I don't think I have much of a chance with Alex, not with the way he was looking at you."
"Nonsense, I think he only looked at me because I almost knocked him down. I bet once he gets a good look at you tonight, I'll be riding back here by myself." Janel said, "No, tonight is about you experiencing life for a change. I know you're not really going to have hot monkey sex with a stranger sweetie. But if you really wanted to, that would be totally up to you. The point is for you to open yourself up to new possibilities and live life to the fullest for a change."
"No. You go for it. You know I'm not good at hook ups like this. I need to get to know a man first, become friends before I can go out with them."
"What you need Olivia, is a wild night of hot sex without making a pro and con list first."
I sighed. Maybe she was right. It might just be possible. I needed to stop being so conservative and let my hair down a little. Who was I kidding? I'm just not made that way. I began to think my ex was right about me. How freaking pathetic is that?
When we reached the lobby, I walked over to the concierge to ask him if a car was waiting for us from the Scandinavian Hotel. He asked if we could excuse him for a moment and picked up a phone and began talking in a low tone. After hanging up he said, "If you could please wait a few minutes Mr. Valente will be right down."
"Is he our driver?" I asked.
The man gave me a snarky little smirk. I gave Janel one of those this guy is a jerk looks.
I was getting impatient when I smelled the "scent" again. It wasn't as strong as earlier but it was still there. I turned around and to my great shock and consternation I was looking at the dark haired man from the lobby this afternoon. He was dressed a little more casually; if you could call dark dress trousers and a crisp white Calvin Klein shirt open exactly three buttons "casual."
He looked as if he just stepped out of an issue of GQ.
"Excuse me Signorinas." The dark haired man said. "Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Roberto Valente. I own this hotel and Mr. Sandstrom has allowed me the great privilege of escorting you to The Scandinavian tonight." Hmmm. "Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste" Oops. I must have sung out loud by the frown Mr. Valente gave me.
I looked over at Janel standing there with her mouth hanging open. I had to admit this man was Scent of a Vampire – Jude Stephens
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the finest male specimen I had ever seen, though there was something dangerous about him that made me nervous. He was tall, dark and utterly delicious. Broad shoulders I could see my head resting on. A narrow waist my legs could get a good lock on. Hair as black as coal, which was a bit long around his collar. It was perfect for running my fingers through. And the most gorgeous ice blue eyes. His chin looked like it was chiseled from a Roman god. There was a slight cleft in his chin that I wanted to trace with my tongue.
Somehow, his mouth looked hard and soft, at the same time. I shook my head to clear it. Okay, it's finally happened. I am for sure certifiable crazy now. I never act this way. And now twice in the same day I was drooling over men I would never have a shot with. Maybe I should get checked when I get back to the hospital. Have a complete metabolic work up done. Yeah, that's it. It must be a hormone imbalance.
I leaned over and gave Janel a little nudge. I noticed she was having the same reaction to this Roman god I was. Her reaction made me feel better. If there was some hormonal imbalance going on, it must be contagious. For the first time ever, I was able to speak before Janel.
"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Valente, my name is Olivia Sherman and this is my friend Janel Atwood."
"Please call me Roberto, and it's nice to meet two such lovely women. I hope you are enjoying your stay in my hotel."
"Oh yes we are. We just arrived today so we haven't seen too much of it before we ran into Mr.
Sandstrom this evening."
"Yes, I am beginning to regret he ran into you first." Roberto smiled, though I noticed the smile didn't quite reach his eyes.
Janel finally snapped back into her usual self and grabbed a hold of Roberto's arm. "Are we ready to go? I am starving. I had hoped to eat in one of the restaurants in your hotel Roberto, but as Olivia's friend I felt it best to accompany her on her outing with Alexander, as she just met him."
I almost burst out laughing when I realized what Janel was doing. She was staking her claim on Roberto and throwing me to the blond haired, green-eyed wolf, so to speak. Well, to be honest I think I would rather take my chances with the lighthearted wolf rather than the dangerous panther walking with Janel in front of me. Just as I had the thought, the man in question turned around and looked at me so intensely I thought my heart would stop beating.
We rode in a long black limo the few miles to The Scandinavian. I looked across to the seat where Roberto and Janel sat rather close talking and laughing together and wondered why earlier today Roberto and Alexander had been arguing and now why we were all on our way to have dinner together. And what about the scent?
Was it a coincidence? Did I really smell death creeping up on someone? I felt it was my Scent of a Vampire – Jude Stephens
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obligation to find out and help in any way I could.
While Janel was looking out the window at the city lights, I looked over to where Roberto sat and found him staring at me.
It was becoming unsettling to have him stare at me that way. So what the heck? I decided to return him stare for stare. I could swear I saw the corner of his mouth move upward in an almost smile before he returned his attention back to Janel.
Chapter 3
When we arrived at The Scandinavian we were swept inside like VIP's.
We took a private elevator up to the rooftop restaurant. Stepping into the restaurant, I was in awe of the décor. It was modern Scandinavian design with the walls displaying specially designed light exhibits, which constantly changed the atmosphere of the restaurant. It struck me immediately how different it was from Roberto's hotel that displayed old world charm where this was sleek and modern. Just like the two men themselves. They appeared to be polar opposites.
Alex walked over and for a moment I could feel the tension in the air as he frowned at Roberto.
"I'm so glad you could make it"
He was quick with a warm welcoming smile. Since Janel was hanging on Roberto, a fact that did not go unnoticed by Alex, I decided to focus my attention on him.
"This restaurant is wonderful. The décor is stunning." I said sincerely.
"Thank you. I tried to bring a bit of Sweden here so I would feel less homesick."
"You're from Sweden? I would never know it; you have no accent at all."
Roberto gave Alex a pointed look.
Alex replied smoothly "I work very hard on blending in here in America. It is better for my business dealings to do so."
"Oh please say something in Swedish for us." Janel asked coyly.
Alex's eyes turned to me with a smoldering look and said,
"Du vill bli min."
I wasn't sure what he said. He could have been saying we are having lovely weather this evening. But it was said in such a sexy husky voice it made me want to swoon. Swoon? I don't think I ever used that word before but it did certainly fit in with Alex's raw sexuality.
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I heard Roberto's quick indrawn breath but couldn't seem to take a breath myself. Alex continued to stare at me. I licked my lips nervously, and his green eyes were immediately drawn to my mouth. I heard a groan come from him before Roberto quickly said, "Okay, if we are done with the language lessons, let us sit down and enjoy what is to be no doubt a wonderful meal with two charming ladies." Walking to our table I remembered to ask Alex what it was he said in Swedish. He opened his mouth to answer; and Roberto said, "He said that he is glad to have you here, as am I."
One look at the smirk on Alex's face and I decided tomorrow I would look up the translation for glad to have you here in Swedish. I don't think I liked people talking in other languages and having no clue to what's being said. No sooner did we sit down than a large man dressed in black appeared at our table, bent and whispered into Roberto's ear. Roberto stood and said
"Excuse us ladies; we need to speak to this gentleman regarding a problem that has arisen."
Alex stood up and gave me a smile and said, "We'll be right back." Alex took a few steps and turned around and pulled me to my feet and slowly brushed his lips against mine lightly and moved his mouth to a sensitive spot behind my right ear. I felt shivers run up my arms. He seemed to be nibbling on me as I felt his teeth scrape along my neck. I leaned into him wanting more. He didn't disappoint me. He bent me over his arm and used his tongue to part my lips.
His tongue swept in and the kiss deepened in a way that made my legs weak.
After kissing me to distraction, he gave a little laugh and with a wink walked away. I looked at Roberto who had a thunderous look on his face.
"That was strange." At Janel's puzzled look I forced my mind away from some highly erotic images of Alex going through my mind to actually pay attention to Janel.
"Yes, that was strange; I hardly know the man and we just came close to a make out session."
"No, not that." Janel laughed. "Though I have to admit I've never seen you act that way before.
Not even with your ex. What I want to know is why did that Steven Segal wannabe speak to Roberto? I mean we are at Alex's hotel after all. And why did they both seem so concerned?"
"I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary."
"Of course you didn't you were too busy being seduced by tall, blond, and gorgeous." She laughed.
"Seduced? I hardly think that...." 28
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by Jude Stephens
The appearance of Alex and Roberto back at the table made me lose all thoughts. Alex grabbed my arm and said,
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"We have to go now."
Roberto had grabbed a hold of Janel and was pulling her to her feet also.
"Oww! What the hell are you doing?" Janel yelped. I took a look at their faces and said to Janel.
"I don't know what's going on but please let's just listen to them." I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach as they pulled us along at an almost run through the restaurant. Maybe it was more like a premonition. But on a subconscious level I knew we had to listen to these two men.
Instead of heading to the elevator, Alex pulled me to the left where there was a sign marked exit. He burst through the door leading to the stairs.
Janel said, "No freaking way you think I'm going down forty flights of stairs do you?"
Roberto hissed, "I suggest you move your asses if you want to live."
That got my ass moving.
We went down three floors when there was a massive explosion above us.
Chapter 4
As smoke poured into the stairwell, Alex grabbed me around the waist and swung me into his arms. I started to protest that it would be faster if we ran on our own when he leapt over the side of the railing. I tightened the grip I had around his neck and found I couldn't scream because the air left my lungs. I was sure I was going to die. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact, wondering if I would linger or if death would come quickly to me.
"What the heck?" I said when Alex landed with an unusual grace.
He glanced at me and said, "Hold on tight baby and don't let go."
Like I would let go? Was the man crazy?
I was going to hold on like my life depended on it and I was sure it did. But I wanted to see what was going on, so I looked around and saw the stairwell was forty flights down on a zigzag pattern. Alex had probably jumped about thirty feet onto the next landing. Okay, thirty feet was amazing but probably not undoable with a great big rush of adrenaline after nearly being blown to smithereens I thought. I saw Roberto, with an unconscious Janel in his arms, land next to us with all of the grace of a jungle cat. His eyes went to mine, dark with a warning not to question anything right now. Then we were on the move again, this time with Roberto leaping first over the railing and Alex and I following. We continued like that until we came to a door, which Alex pushed open and we were outside in the warm night with the sound of sirens in the distance. I judged it had probably been about five minutes since the explosion; ten at the most.
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"Put me down." Alex complied though he looked reluctant to do so. I went over to Roberto.
"Is Janel okay?"
"Yes, she is fine. She just fainted." A glance went between Alex and Roberto and again I wondered at their strange relationship.
"Alexander, you stay here and deal with the authorities and I will take the women back to my hotel." Roberto said as a black SUV rounded the corner and came barreling down on us. I must have looked nervous because Roberto said, "Do not worry little one, they are with me." At the use of "little one", Alex narrowed his eyes on Roberto and took a step forward.
"We do not have time for your foolishness Alexander. You know what must be done. We must protect this one. That is what has become important here tonight. Take care of the authorities and then return to the Platza. I will need your help with these two. Come straight up to the penthouse. They just got a room upgrade."
Alex didn't say a word, but with a defiant look at Roberto, walked over to me and pulled me into his arms and pressed his mouth to mine. Instantly, a white-hot heat blossomed low in my body. I was not a virgin by any means but in all of my life I have never had a reaction to a man's touch like I wa
s having right now. My mouth, without conscious thought, parted to let him deepen the kiss. I pressed my body into his and felt the hardness of his thighs brushing against my bare legs. I felt a rush of wetness between my thighs and I heard Alex growl low in his throat. I found myself trying to rub against him to relieve the aching need growing inside me.
Alex's growl became a low moan as I ran my hands down his back and felt his tight ass under my hands. I could feel the muscles there flexing and.... "Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, never let me go," I sang in my head. All of a sudden we were drenched with what felt like ice water.
"What did you do that for?" I asked as I brushed wet hair from my eyes.
"Someone has to act with a little decorum here. We are after all in the middle of a crime scene and are more than likely still in danger."
I looked at Roberto standing beside a tall man dressed in black. He was holding an empty Evian bottle of water. They both had smirks on their faces that I didn't like at all. I stepped back from Alex and saw a bulge in his pants and felt like someone had punched me in the stomach.
"Oh my God, what was I doing?" I was so embarrassed I couldn't look at anyone. I hung my head with the knowledge I had just acted like a bitch in heat in front of an audience of strangers.
Alex gave Roberto a dirty look "Don't be embarrassed baby. Go with Roberto and I will see you later and explain everything to you."
"Alexander, you need to go. Now!" Roberto all but shouted at Alex.
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As he walked away he gave Roberto a look that would have made Rambo shake in his boots but all Roberto did was smile.
Until he looked in my direction, then his face became cold and unreadable.
We got into the SUV and only then did Roberto turn to me and say, "I apologize piccolina, there is much you do not understand this night. I ask you to trust me. I mean you and your friend no harm."